Safeguarding Policy
This policy has been developed in accordance with the principles established by the Children Act 1989 and in line with the following:
• “Working together to safeguard children 2018”.
• “Keeping children safe in education 2022”.
Safeguarding children describes the action Offload Active takes to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. We believe that safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility and that everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play.
Offload Active define safeguarding as:
• Protecting children from maltreatment including female genital mutilation and child sexual exploitation
• Preventing children from being drawn into extremism or radicalisation
• Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
• Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care: and
• Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
We believe that all staff need to be vigilant and act on any concerns they may have regarding the welfare of the children they are working with. If any member of staff has any suspicions about the treatment of a child, they must immediately raise it with the Company Director so that the appropriate course of action for that child can be initiated.
All staff should familiarise themselves with the Local Safeguarding Children Board’s contact details which can be found on camp. It is the legal responsibility of all our staff to report any suspicions they have regarding the treatment of the children in their care.
Safeguarding policy including child protection procedures
• All employees as a minimum, will know to whom they should refer concerns or suspicions and be aware of the procedure to follow if a child discloses information to them regarding a situation in their life.
• All staff are subject to safeguarding training.
All necessary steps to keep children safe and well are detailed in the following procedures:
• Offload Active will report all allegations of serious abuse or harm by any person: living with, working with or looking after children, as well as serious accidents, illnesses and injuries sustained by any child in our care. Offload Rugby Camps are fully aware that not to do so, would be committing an offence.
• Offload Active allocate a key person to each coaching age group. This ensures that every child’s care is tailored to meet their individual needs, to help the child become familiar with the setting and to offer a settled relationship for the child.
• Offload Active fully complies with the ratio and qualification requirements applicable to each age range of children (in keeping with the Statutory Framework).
• Offload Active ensures that staff are well qualified and have the required training and professional development opportunities to ensure they offer quality experiences for children that attend the camps.
• Offload Active has at least one designated first aider member of staff on each session/camp.
• Offload Active complies with requirements of health and safety legislation including fire safety and hygiene and ensures that the premises, including floor space and outdoor spaces, are fit for purpose and suitable for the age of the children cared for and the activities provided on camp.
• We do not allow smoking in or on the premises in which we work.
• Offload Active ensures that it takes all reasonable steps to ensure staff and children in its care are not exposed to unacceptable risk.
• All staff have an obligation to prevent children from being drawn into extremism and terrorism. Offload Active recognise this is a statutory duty under the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2019.
• Staff will be made aware of procedures regarding confidentiality and for the sharing and receiving of information, including the need for clear reporting of any conversations had, complete with dates and any action to be taken.
• All staff have access to the procedure, essential contact numbers, and procedures for sharing and receiving information.
• The Company Director will be the designated person for the co-ordination of safeguarding children’s procedures within each camp
• The Company Director will ensure that all staff are aware of the safeguarding procedures to follow.
• Staff should be always following best practice and should not display inappropriate behaviour which could be deemed as a safeguarding issue. All staff should be aware of any signs of inappropriate behaviour by colleagues and should continue to follow procedure.
• All safeguarding concerns are to be communicated to the Company Director.
Best practice
The behaviour of staff must not be open to criticism. Staff should protect themselves against liability or allegations which could cause conflict between them, the child, and the parent(s)/guardian(s). Staff must ensure that they do not put themselves in a position that may inadvertently threaten or upset children in their charge and use best practice in all they do. Best practice refers to the actions of staff whilst working with or near to children. It also refers to the way they communicate with the children and the information that they give them.
Offload Active staff will:
• Avoid shouting and making derogatory comments.
• Promote positive behaviours through positive comments and feedback whenever possible.
• Keep physical contact to a minimum unless absolutely necessary. When contact is necessary, make sure there is at least one other adult present.
• Treat all children equally and avoid favouritism.
• Be non-judgemental when talking to or dealing with the children.
• Empathise with the children and understand their emotions.
• Understand that it is their legal responsibility to report any suspected cases of child abuse to the Company Director so the best course of action for that child can be initiated.
Details contained within this safeguarding policy were published in good faith in January 2021 and updated in January 2024. Offload Active Limited is an official registered business with Companies House in England and Wales (Company Number: 13092201)